Care Compliments

Isabel N.

2019年7月25日,我有一个预定的TEE/Cardioversion Dr. Yang. I was extremely impressed with the compassion and kindness provided by Isabel before, 在我手术期间和之后. I was very anxious about having this procedure and I'm not proud to share that I am not an easy patient to deal with. 伊莎贝尔的专业精神和出色的能力, helped me feel less anxious and more comfortable as things progressed with my procedure. I also felt very safe and well cared for because of her actions throughout the procedure. She is an excellent practitioner and I wanted to recognize her for her sincere, 她在我困难的时候给予我的关怀和同情. I appreciated being able to experience such a high level of nursing care from Isabel. 她显然代表并支持最高的安全标准, 富有同情心和高质量的护理与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心有关.

By: Frances W.

Alyssa .

Alyssa过去和现在都在不断超越. When securing admittance into an ALF for my mother and facing weeks of delay in getting a doctor to complete the forms, Alyssa and Dr Adachi 在转校日期的前一天过来,把表格填好了. Alyssa then called me before she left for home to make sure our urgent need had been meet. 今天,艾莉莎跟进了我母亲的安全问题. Alyssa和Adachi博士都超出了我们的预期. 我觉得我的母亲和继父在他们的手中得到了很好的照顾. 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢!

By: Gailyn F.

Kavitha K P.

From Day one, Dr. Prabaker 你对我的照顾真是太好了. 在照顾我的身体方面,她让我感到安全. 她对我的医疗需求非常关心. She goes out of her way to make sure I am happy with any tests or procedures she recommends. 我可以诚实地说,我完全信任. 普拉贝克,因为我知道她非常擅长她的工作. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校非常幸运,他们的医疗团队有这样一位了不起的医生.

By: Sahid L.

Elizabeth "Betty" B.

Ms. 鲍尔纳是一名真正的志愿者! I'm a Veteran and God has placed the two of us in the exact right location at the exact right time! 贝蒂的脾气很好, her demeanor is calming and reassuring and she's got a great ear for listening too!!! 她是我的福气... 你们在贝蒂有一个🌟志愿者!

By: John H.

Irene Kim & V.

Dr Nabili & Dr Kim 是精英中的精英,顶尖的专家吗. Their knowledge & expertise are unparalleled; but what touched me the most was their genuine concern & 在整个过程中对我的同情. 我做手术前的咨询 & after. 他们超出了我的期望,他们真的是上帝派来的. Thank you for these amazing Doctors who went out of their way to see me through my condition & treatment. 能找到这些医生我真是太幸运了.

By: Geraldine M.

Bashda U.

While in the hospital for head surgery, this nurse was excellent and responsive. 所有的护理伙伴都很好. 我不记得她的名字怎么拼了,但她在西边六楼.

By: Kai P.

Selene M.

她是我在这里遇到的最好的护士, explained stuff well easy to communicate with but for the most part she took good care of me wether I needed something or not. 我想谢谢你所做的一切.

By: Benjamin C.

? D.

1959年,我在韦斯特伍德修复了一个泛自闭症障碍. 对于一个6岁的孩子来说,这是一次非常难忘的经历. 几乎每过一天,就会有一些事情勾起你对发生过的事情的回忆. It was all experimental and and my parents went into it with very little hope. But, 60年前的这个九月, 我仍然在这里,手术没有任何负面影响. The staff always took special care and was the most pleasant memory of the whole experience. Thank you,

By: Ted M.

Dr. Kelly W.

Dr. Williams 毫无疑问是个杰出的医生吗. My husband and I are from Southern California but live in Dubai at the moment. We decided to come back to California to have our first baby at 36 weeks pregnant. As you can imagine, we were wanting to find the best doctor possible when arriving to the US. 我们安排了两位医生进行初次预约. We met Dr. 首先是威廉姆斯,她马上就给我们留下了难以置信的印象. 她对我们无数的问题都很有耐心, understanding, extremely knowledgeable, gentle and kind. 我们立刻和她联系上了.

当我们去见第二个医生时(他有将近100个孩子), 5 star reviews and barely was able to squeeze us in for an appointment) we couldn't help but miss Dr. Williams. 我们知道她是最适合我们和女儿的医生.

我们继续去看威廉姆斯医生,每看一次,我们就离她更近了. We trusted her with all her decisions and knew she always had our best interest. She was extremely accommodating and always available to see us if we had any questions or concerns.

女儿出生后,她继续每天来医院看望我们. Dr. Williams didn't just come in for 5 minutes for a fast check (like the other doctors) but instead took the time to genuinely ask how we were doing, 感觉和整体健康. Dr. 威廉姆斯已经不仅仅是一名医生, 她已经成为我们的朋友,我们总是期待着见到她. We highly recommend her to anyone wanting a doctor that will exceed your expectations.

By: Natalia G.

PTU and PACU staff P.

As much as I have been regularly annoyed and disappointed by UCLA's clumsy and cumbersome systems of procedure, I was almost overwhelmed by the gracious and compassionate care I was given by Nursing and attendant staff during my recent outpatient surgery at UCLA Santa Monica. 我的准备和处理都得到了极大的尊重, 我的担忧得到了专业而亲切的回应. The kindheartedness of the PTU and PACU staff and their professionalism reassured me I was in good hands, 我相信这鼓励了我想象手术的积极结果, 这不是一件小事. It was plain to me from the jump that the PTU and PACU staff loved where they worked, 再加上他们对工作的热爱,这让我放心了. My experience has caused me to recalibrate my (now seemingly trivial) complaints regarding UCLA Medical, 现在我将把它放到所有大型机构的问题上.

By: Michael K.

Samantha R.

Been there twice and she has always been so sweet, positive and makes everyone feel 'cared' for. 一个人也能很好地处理前面的所有事情吗.

By: suzy K.

Priscila G.


By: Jose F.

All of the Nurses R.

Dear Alyssa, Angie, Ashely, Christina, Constantin, Dorcas, Isaac, Leticia, Lourdes, Taline以及8E的所有护士和护理伙伴,

谢谢你对我的照顾. Each of you made a difficult situation a little bit easier with your collectively calm, professional, 以一种富有同情心的方式对待我. What you do everyday is just incredible and I felt completely safe in your care. If I said anything angry (I don't think so but maybe at 3AM that one horrible night,),或者很奇怪,很古怪(可能吧, why would hospital life be different from real life) or anything at all that made it seem like for even a moment I didn't appreciate what you all do, blame the oxy. Just kidding, blame me.

Thanks again and I hope I never see any of you again (in the best way possible.)


Peter S

By: Peter S.

Maija S.

You are my favorite doctor and you saved my life twice and I never had a doctor as caring, 和你一样聪明,一样乐于助人! 谢谢你做的一切,利

By: leigh S.


My husband Charles spent a couple of night on the 6th floor and the entire nursing staff was exceptional. 我们对您的服务表示感激和感谢. God Bless you all.

By: Christina W.

Sheila H.

谢谢你对我的关照. I appreciate your friendly and helpful manner and you answering all of my questions.

By: THeresa L.

Karen W.

谢谢你的冷静和关心. 你帮我睡了个好觉,帮我疗伤. 我感谢你的辛勤工作.

By: Theresa L.

Jena C.

耶拿一直很积极,很有帮助. 她消除了我的恐惧,帮助我站起来,照顾好自己. 她的态度很有感染力. 每个病人都应该有像耶拿这样的护士,

By: Theresa L.

Elizabeth K.

我要承认并感谢 Dr. Ko for consistently providing excellent quality health care and patient experience. She is smart, personable, and empathetic - all great qualities for a doctor to possess. 她是贵公司的一个有价值的补充.

By: Michael W.

Arie H.

当你想到慈悲的化身时,你会想到什么? 我想起了阿里和他的精彩行为. 阿里体现了CICARE所代表的一切. I remember walking past one of my patient's rooms and seeing Arie sitting down with one of my older patients who had Alzheimer's. Arie, utilizing a unit IPad, found the street where my patient grew up and using google maps showed the patient his childhood street. 没人让阿里和病人建立这种联系, 他天生就是个富有同情心的人. 阿里那天对那个病人的生活产生了巨大的影响. 然而,这只是阿里正在做的许多惊人工作中的一个例子. I am fortunate to have met him, as he inspires all of us to inject compassion into everything we do. Thank you Arie.

By: Matthew R.

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